International Aloe Science Council

Aloe Vera Closeup

You may have heard about the International Aloe Science Council (IASC) and wondered who they are.

In the Aloe Vera world they are very relevant in the research and production of the wonder plant.

The IASC is a non-profit organisation that supports the Aloe trade industry.

This includes organisations that grow Aloe, the factories that process the material, the people who manufacture the finished product. Also the office based elements of Aloe production, including; insurance, consultants, scientists, researchers and physicians.

There are many different elements that are regulated, from the Aloe leaf to the final finished product.

International Aloe Science Council is a truly global organisation, operating in the EU, Americas, Asia and South Pacific.

International Aloe Science Council

International Aloe Science Council Membership

Members of the IASC have are all stakeholders in the future research and development of the plant it’s uses commercially and for the future use in skin care and dietary products.

It is reassuring to know that the industry is regulated by the IASC and it provides a ground for the Aloe community to unite and share best practice.

Forever Living have a significant number of products that have been certified by the IASC. This certification demonstrates that the Aloe Vera is of the best quality and highest purity.

The IASC certificate shows that the ALOE used complies with IASC quality standards and meets the requirements of the certified program, this includes minimum Aloe Vera content and accurate information provided on the packaging.

IASC full list of Certified Products


  1. zhu wang


    I have been buying Aloe Vera Gel since December 2019. Can you please confirm that their product is still certified by you?

    Zhu Wang

    1. Forever Living

      Forever Aloe Vera Gel is one of the the few Aloe Gels to be certified by the IASC. You can view a full list of products on their website.

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